Enjoy snorkeling adventures in the ocean

Enjoy snorkeling adventures in the ocean


World Reef Awareness Day allows us to celebrate the beauty and importance of coral reefs. These fascinating ecosystems are vital for understanding marine life and maintaining ocean health. They also provide essential services to human beings. Click&Boat offers boat rentals for an unforgettable diving adventure in Europe’s top diving destinations. Explore these underwater wonders to strengthen your relationship with nature and gain a deeper understanding of the importance of reef conservation. Take advantage of this opportunity to see the fantastic beauty under the sea!

Best snorkeling spots in Europe

Coral reefs are not common in the Mediterranean. There are snorkeling spots with abundant marine life and coral gardens. They also have underwater rock formations and seagrass beds. Check out this Snorkelling Report for more information on the best destinations.

Southern France

The South of France offers a variety of marine life, as well as a stunning underwater landscape. Port Cros National Park is one of the best spots to visit. Dive into the clear waters to see various marine life, such as seabreams and groupers. Swim through the seagrass meadows and rocky coral reefs of the park.

The Cannes Underwater eco-Museum by Jason deCaires Taylor is another highlight. This museum is a unique combination of art and environmental restoration. The underwater installation is composed of six portrait sculptures created by Posidonia Meadows. The coral ecosystems were encouraged to grow using pH-neutral materials. Snorkellers will be able to marvel at this stunning exhibit and watch the gradual transformation of the structures into artificial reefs.


La Maddalena Archipelago is a protected marine area off the northern Sardinian Coast. It’s a place teeming with marine life. Passo Cecca di Morto is the best snorkeling spot in this archipelago. It’s a lagoon that can only be reached by boat. Admire the underwater gardens, where you can see schools of fish and octopuses. You may also encounter sea anemones and sea urchins. Be sure to keep an eye out for the red Sardinian Sea Stars!

You can also visit the Capo Carbonara Marine Protection Area in southern Sardinia. The underwater landscape combines sand bottoms, rocky outcrops, and Posidonia oceanica seagrass. You will see various marine species, such as colorful wrasses and parrotfish. Sea breams, seahorses, and sea breams are also common. Keep an eye out as well for dolphins and loggerhead turtles!


Green Bay in east Cyprus is one of the best Mediterranean snorkeling destinations. Discover a vibrant underwater world in its turquoise waters. Discover colorful fish such as lionfish, wrasses, and damselfish. Green Bay is one of the best places in the world to see loggerhead sea turtles and green sea tortoises. You can swim over seagrass fields and watch them glide through the water. Jason deCaires Taylor also has an underwater exhibit of children and trees in Ayia Nap. Cyprus is home to more exotic marine life than any other part of the Mediterranean. This is due to its proximity to Egypt and the Suez Canal, where marine species migrate to the Mediterranean from the Red Sea. Learn more about the best places to launch your boat in Cyprus by visiting This Blog.

The Red Sea

Red Sea Coast, located on the coast of the Red Sea, is a diving destination that attracts visitors from all over. This region is known for its warm water, excellent visibility, and marine biodiversity. It offers an unforgettable diving experience. Rent a boat from Hurghada to explore the underwater wonders.

Head to Ras Mohammed National Park, a marine park with vibrant coral reefs, first. Divers can see majestic sea turtles, sting rays, and colorful anemones gently swaying in the currents. Schools of colorful tropical fish enchant the underwater world.

After that, you can snorkel at Ras Um Sid. It has a coral reef with a narrow width. The coral wall is home to clownfish, angelfish, and butterflyfish. There are also giant clams and sea goldies. The reef’s drop-off also hosts Red Sea Bannerfish, Parrotfishes, Triggerfishes, Blue Cheek Butterflyfishes, and Blue Spotted Groupers.

Snorkelling and Reef Conservation: Top Tips

  • Corals are fragile and should not be touched or stepped on.
  • Do not feed or harass marine organisms.
  • Avoid stirring up the sediment, as this could smother coral.
  • Use reef-safe sunscreen.
  • Anchors should be placed in sandy areas, away from coral reefs, seagrass meadows, and moorings.
  • Rent a boat that is powered by wind or electricity.
  • Participate in local beach cleanups and reef cleaning initiatives.
  • Reduce plastic use and dispose of waste properly to reduce the adverse effects on coral reefs.
  • Choose sustainable seafood.

Underwater coral reefs: Benefits


Coral reefs are home to a wide variety of marine life. They provide a habitat for fish, sea mammal species, sponges, sea turtles, and crustaceans. The diversity of life they support has led to reefs being called the “rainforests” of the ocean. They support more than 25% of marine life despite covering just 0.2% of ocean floors!


Corals are known to possess valuable medicinal properties. Scientists have extracted compounds that effectively treat cancer, arthritis, and viral and bacterial infection, among other diseases. Cytarabine is the first marine drug, a type of chemotherapy that treats leukemia, non-Hodgkin lymphoma, and other conditions.

Coastal Protection

Coral reefs underwater act as natural breakwaters. They reduce the impact of storms, waves, and flooding while protecting against hurricanes and tropical cyclones. The reefs can absorb 97% of this energy, protecting coastal properties and preventing erosion. The destruction or damage of reefs leaves coastal communities vulnerable to storms and average waves.


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